Our Surgery
Address: 82 London Wall, London, EC2M 5ND
Tel: 020 7628 4869
Fax: 020 7628 5174
Email: info@bhddc.com
Address: 82 London Wall, London, EC2M 5ND
Tel: 020 7628 4869
Fax: 020 7628 5174
Email: info@bhddc.com
Do you find dental visits stressful? We work hard to ensure you have as comfortable and as pleasant a dental experience as possible.
If you are a wheelchair user or just find it hard to deal with stairs, we have a street level entrance, a dedicated lift with all treatment rooms being on one level.
We take care of the important things even when you can’t see them!
Feedback is how we improve our services.
Please let us know where we have done well, but more importantly let us know where you think we could do better. We give the highest priority to your concerns.
You can contact us in writing, by email or by telephone.
A full copy of our complaints procedure is available on request. Further information and support can also be obtained from;
The Care Quality Commission (CQC); the CQC does not settle disputes, but your feedback about a practice helps it decide when, where and what to inspect.
Dental Complaints services (funded by the General Dental Council); tel: 08456 120 540 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm)